Pilsner 4.8% 30L KeyKeg


What does it even mean?

The world’s favourite beer it would seem. The pilsner style, that is. Although we’re
eternally grateful to the Czechs for getting the ball rolling (we’ll assume most people don’t
know who Josef Groll is at this point) our pilsner is brewed in more of the german tradition.

What you need to know though.

German pilsner style. Pilsner malt, Hallertauer Mittlefruh and Mandarina Bavaria. A dark
straw, fruitier (thanks to the Mandarina) iteration of a classic pilsner style with a subtle, yet
assertive bitterness.

KategoriLjus lager
RegionVästra Götaland
Art. nr.- / 7350081464561
Alkoholskatt328,32 SEK - 328,32 SEK/enhet


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